ShareMe.Chat is Redesigning the Future of Customer Connection and Gets Investment-Ready with Alberta Catalyzer

ShareMe.Chat is Redesigning the Future of Customer Connection and Gets Investment-Ready with Alberta Catalyzer

· The Pulse

In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are continually searching for ways to enhance customer engagement and drive sales. ShareMe.Chat, a two-way texting platform for businesses that enables quick sales and personalized communication. Targeting small to medium businesses, ShareMe.Chat aims to increase sales, build customer loyalty, and engage customers on a personal level, tapping into a $1.6 billion opportunity in North America.

Founder and CEO, Tracey Stewart and her team discovered that 75% of people prefer texting businesses, and sales can soar by 900% when businesses respond within just five minutes. Recognizing this, ShareMe.Chat was launched to bridge the communication gap and boost business-customer interactions.

Before joining Alberta Catalyzer, Tracey was seeking to understand fundraising and accessing non-dilutive funds.

"I did not understand the fundraising aspects and the different ways to access non-dilutive funds or going about the different rounds. [Alberta Catalyzer] was very insightful and now I can better prepare the company for that direction."

Participating in the Alberta Catalyzer Velocity program provided invaluable insights into the different fundraising rounds, from family and friends to more formal funding stages. This knowledge has better prepared ShareMe.Chat for future financial growth.

The resources, connections, and coaching provided by Alberta Catalyzer's Velocity program have had a profound impact on ShareMe.Chat's growth. Founder Tracey noted, "The program introduced us to law firms and funding stories, and provided a diverse range of coaches to help with different aspects of the company. From marketing strategies and crafting compelling stories to addressing our core challenges, the program made us focus on our real problems."

Looking ahead, ShareMe.Chat's next exciting milestone is to expand its market share in Canada, focusing on small to medium businesses. With 54 customers and a recent deal with the largest camera store in the USA, they plan to leverage their Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to drive growth while seeking referrals to potential partners and raising capital for future development to accelerate scalability. Learn more about ShareMe.Chat and their story by visiting their website.

Join Alberta Catalyzer to fast-track your startup with know-how and expert guidance. Alberta Catalyzer offers merit-based, pre-accelerator programs for early-stage tech entrepreneurs in Alberta at no cost. These programs are developed and delivered by Platform Calgary and Edmonton Unlimited, with support from partners and organizations across the Alberta Innovation Network. They are made possible by the generous support of the Alberta Scaleup and Growth Accelerator Program, run by a consortium led by Alberta Innovates. The consortium includes the Government of Alberta, Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan), The City of Edmonton through Edmonton Unlimited, and the City of Calgary's Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund allocated $35 million over three years to retain business accelerators. It's part of the Alberta government's goal to help create 20,000 jobs and increase technology firm revenue to $5 billion by 2030.

Photo: ShareMe.Chat founder and CEO Tracey Stewart (Ampersand Grey)