Alberta Catalyzer Alum AFRO FACTS Brings Black History, DEIA and Emotional Intelligence to the Classroom

Alberta Catalyzer Alum AFRO FACTS Brings Black History, DEIA and Emotional Intelligence to the Classroom

· The Pulse

Here's a message from our sponsor, Alberta Catalyzer:

Navigating the startup journey can be overwhelming, especially when you're trying to scale.

Before joining Alberta Catalyzer, AFRO FACTS' Founder and CEO, Lillah Penddah, faced the typical overwhelm that many entrepreneurs experience. "Edmonton Unlimited helped me create a business structure and understand my customer," Lillah shared. "...the next steps remained unclear."

That's where the Velocity program came in, offering the guidance needed to navigate these challenges. "Velocity assisted me with being able to see what next steps I needed to take to get to the next milestone…gaining an understanding of what information needed to be contained in a pitch, what investors would be looking for, and how best to tell the story of AFRO FACTS in three minutes."

AFRO FACTS addresses the lack of inclusivity in school curriculums. Their educational tools teach Canadian Black History, and through it, the tenants of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in a way "that allows those who are not comfortable with being uncomfortable to come and stay rather than run away." says Lillah in her recent presentation at the Alberta Catalyzer Velocity pitch showcase. For junior high and high school students, and teachers in Alberta, AFRO FACTS is a one-stop shop for educational tools and workshops that presents the accomplishments, history and experiences of Black History in an emotionally intelligent, honest, and accountable manner.

She also highlighted the importance of pitching, which, as Lillah discovered, is distinctly different from giving a TEDx Talk. "Although I am a public speaker, Velocity showed me that the pitch is not the same as a speech. It is much more to the point and somewhat prescribed, which I only learned through the experience of having to put a pitch together and deliver it." This newfound knowledge of pitching was crucial in understanding how to present AFRO FACTS in a compelling and efficient manner.

Looking ahead, Lillah is excited to work on presenting at teacher conventions, securing grants and entering pitch competitions.

Join Alberta Catalyzer to fast-track your startup with know-how and expert guidance. Alberta Catalyzer offers merit-based, pre-accelerator programs for early-stage tech entrepreneurs in Alberta at no cost. These programs are developed and delivered by Platform Calgary and Edmonton Unlimited, with support from partners and organizations across the Alberta Innovation Network. They are made possible by the generous support of the Alberta Scaleup and Growth Accelerator Program, run by a consortium led by Alberta Innovates. The consortium includes the Government of Alberta, Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan), The City of Edmonton through Edmonton Unlimited, and the City of Calgary's Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund allocated $35 million over three years to retain business accelerators. It's part of the Alberta government's goal to help create 20,000 jobs and increase technology firm revenue to $5 billion by 2030.

Photo: AFRO FACTS founder and CEO Lillah Penddah (Ampersand Grey)