Setting New Standards in Facility Performance: Colabmacs on Alberta Catalyzer's Startups to Watch List

Setting New Standards in Facility Performance: Colabmacs on Alberta Catalyzer's Startups to Watch List

· The Pulse

Here's a message from our sponsor, Alberta Catalyzer:

In the realm of facility management, optimizing core facilities - centralized shared research resources that provide access to instruments, technologies, services, and expert consultation and training to researchers - presents a complex challenge. According to founder and CEO of Colabmacs, Michael Hume, these spaces remain underutilized during off-peak times, resulting in significant uncaptured revenue. Moreover, the administrative burden falls on technical staff, consuming up to 480 hours annually. Add to this the onerous reporting requirements, with a staggering $1.8 billion allocated in the 2024 budget, and the need for an innovative solution becomes clear.

Colabmacs identifies these pain points with a commitment to revolutionizing facility management. Their solution is designed to streamline operations through three key pillars: managing physical equipment access, maintaining comprehensive training and safety records, and accurately tracking usage for billing and reporting purposes.

The potential of Colabmacs' solution is underscored by a recent case study conducted with the University of Alberta. Through the adoption of Colabmacs' system, the university achieved significant operational improvements and cost savings, validating the platform's ability to enhance efficiency and reduce administrative overhead. Buoyed by this success, Colabmacs is now focused on expanding its market presence and securing early adopters, particularly within academic core spaces and public makerspaces.

Before joining Alberta Catalyzer, Colabmacs faced challenges in understanding the local startup ecosystem and accessing resources. However, participating in the Velocity stream helped address these obstacles by providing introductions to funding organizations, Alberta Innovates TDAs (Technical Development Advisors), and networking opportunities with other founders and innovators. The program also offered valuable coaching, resources, and access to working space at Edmonton Unlimited.

Michael highlighted the impact of the program on his personal growth, saying, "The experience has forced me to 'come out of my shell' and 'tell my story'. I've learned to be my own biggest fan and advocate for my work." The Velocity Showcase was a significant milestone, allowing him to share his journey with a wider audience, including friends, family, and potential investors.

What's next for Colabmacs? Polishing their product and landing the next customer. Follow Colabmacs and their progress as they expand their footprint across academic CORE and public makerspace markets.

Join Alberta Catalyzer to fast-track your startup with know-how and expert guidance. Alberta Catalyzer offers merit-based, pre-accelerator programs for early-stage tech entrepreneurs in Alberta at no cost. These programs are developed and delivered by Platform Calgary and Edmonton Unlimited, with support from partners and organizations across the Alberta Innovation Network. They are made possible by the generous support of the Alberta Scaleup and Growth Accelerator Program, run by a consortium led by Alberta Innovates. The consortium includes the Government of Alberta, Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan), The City of Edmonton through Edmonton Unlimited, and the City of Calgary's Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund allocated $35 million over three years to retain business accelerators. It's part of the Alberta government's goal to help create 20,000 jobs and increase technology firm revenue to $5 billion by 2030.

Photo: Colabmacs founder and CEO Michael Hume (Ampersand Grey)