What one dog mama spends on her mountain-climbing pup

Victoria Stuart and Farley are ready for any adventure.

What one dog mama spends on her mountain-climbing pup

· The Pulse

A message from ATB Financial:

Our dogs are part of our families. They show us love, make us laugh, and join us on our adventures.

But owning and caring for a pet comes with costs — both expected and unexpected. Some of those costs can be rolled into your regular monthly budget, but others require some long-term financial planning and saving.

We chatted with Canmore-based Victoria Stuart about the cost of caring for her beloved Australian Shepherd Farley, an Insta-dog celeb who scales the Rocky Mountains, camps in the forest, and swims in glacial lakes.

"We put a lot of thought into how to financially plan for emergency expenses early in our pet-parent journey. When we spoke to other pet owners and browsed the internet for worst-case scenarios, we discovered that treating serious injuries or diseases could cost us five figures — easily."

Read on to find out what Victoria and her partner spend on dog food, toys, and veterinary care — and why a dog life jacket and canine first aid kit are non-negotiable expenses if you want to bring your pup along on outdoor adventures.

Explore Well Said, where ATB shares perspectives on life, money, and modern financial literacy.