Chart of the week: December highs

Chart of the week: December highs

· The Pulse

As we enjoy what seems like a pretty warm December so far, you might be wondering, "How unusual is this?" Edmonton Weather Nerdery has an answer, having charted 20 years of Edmonton highs for December. The pink days are warm; the blue days are cold.

On average, we have about 10 days with highs above 0°C in December, writes Chris Nelson. Some years have more than 15 above-freezing days, such as 2002 through 2006, 2011, and 2017. Here's a look at just the warmer-than-O°C days over the past 20 years.

As for lows in December, it's been relatively rare to avoid dipping below -20°C in December, although last year was such a year. "[A]bout half of the time December will hit -25°C, and about half of the time we will escape it."

This chart comes from Edmonton Weather Nerdery, a blog that crunches historical weather data from the Edmonton Blatchford weather station. Follow @yegwxnerdery.