- The Edmonton LRT system will face system-wide disruptions between Feb. 25-28 as it undergoes testing and work for the Metro Line alternative signalling system.
- Edmonton police have responded to the video that was released of EPS officers removing people from a downtown LRT station during the extreme cold snap. “We should have arranged transportation or helped in accessing the services our partnering agencies have in place to keep our most vulnerable safe and warm,” acting chief Alan Murphy and acting CAO Enyinnah Okere said in a statement.
- Premier Jason Kenney announced a new grant to replace the current program to support small Alberta businesses who have been impacted by the pandemic. Grants of up to $10,000 will be available in the spring.
- The province reported a “small but significant” increase in the number of people who aren’t cooperating with COVID-19 contact tracers. In December, around 1% of Albertans weren’t participating in contact tracing, but that number was 1.9% in January and 1.3% in February.
- “Where is the plan? The silence on how vaccines will be rolled out in the community is getting ridiculous,” writes columnist Elise Stolte in the Edmonton Journal about the province’s lack of updates about COVID-19 vaccine logistics.
- Edmonton’s Bitcoin Well will move from Whyte Avenue to a downtown office by the end of 2021. “The move comes as the city’s Downtown reports the highest office vacancy rate in decades,” writes the Edmonton Journal.