Here are opportunities to help inform city planning about elections, the Northeast River Valley Park, and urban farming.
- Voter Engagement Initiative — The city wants to understand voter experiences in order to make municipal elections more accessible, inclusive, equitable, and ethical. Residents can ask the project team a question or take an online survey, which is available in seven languages, until Feb. 26.
- Silver Berry Street Lab (evaluation) — A Street Lab was recently installed in the Silver Berry neighbourhood, and the city wants to hear about resident experiences to help evaluate the program, make adjustments, and improve future labs. An online survey will be open until Feb. 28.
- Northeast River Valley Park Strategic Plan — The city is seeking feedback to inform the strategic plan for Edmonton's newest river valley park. The plan will include the park's vision, guiding principles, and approach to naturalization, restoration, and programming. Residents can share their ideas until Feb. 29.
- Urban Farming Survey — The city is considering a new urban farming program or process, which it says would increase sustainable food supply and activate under-utilized land and buildings. The new program would be "significantly different" from the existing community garden and boulevard beautification programs, which are small scale and prohibit the sale of grown products. Residents can complete an online survey, which will inform the framework presented to city council, until March 10.
More input opportunities
- Until Feb. 25: Mill Woods Town Centre Land Development Application
- Until Feb. 25: Hillview Neighbourhood and Alley Renewal (refine)
- Until Feb. 25: Element Park Planning (City of St. Albert)
- Until Feb. 26: Housing Strategy (City of Leduc)
- Until Feb. 29: Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw (City of Beaumont)
- Until March 3: 76 Avenue Renewal (explore)
- Until March 10: Windsor Park Rezoning (advise)