- City council unanimously passed a motion at its meeting on Nov. 1 to develop an anti-racism strategy. Mayor Amarjeet Sohi's motion directs city administration to prepare an initial report for February 2022 and includes requesting resources from the provincial and federal governments for anti-racism and anti-violence initiatives.
- In the fifth annual Climate Change and Energy Perceptions Survey, 77% of Edmontonians said that they want the city to act on climate change right away. The survey was completed in May 2021 with a sample of 1,005 Edmontonians.
- Two Edmonton youth are traveling to the COP26 global climate summit in Glasgow as part of a group of six delegates presenting a global youth report.
- The Edmonton Social Planning Council released its annual calculation of Edmonton's living wage. For 2021, the living wage is $18.10 an hour, up $1.59 from 2019.
- "It's a great collection of community leaders, health-care providers, inventors, tech wizards and those who give countless hours to make Edmonton a better place to live": Edify has published its Top 40 Under 40 for 2021.
- Edmonton non-profits are looking for volunteers as venues reopen and the holiday season begins. For example, Meals on Wheels is looking for volunteer drivers; the number of clients using its service doubled from 2019 to 2020.
- The Alberta Zero Emissions Hydrogen Transit project, which will demonstrate two hydrogen fuel cell electric buses in Edmonton and Strathcona County, has been awarded $4.6 million by Emissions Reduction Alberta.