Calls for public engagement: Street safety, northside renewals, rezoning

Calls for public engagement: Street safety, northside renewals, rezoning

· The Pulse

Here are opportunities to lend your voice on proposals in Edmonton, including how to improve safety on 40 Street and Hermitage Road, renewal projects in Overlanders/Homesteader and Dunluce, and a proposed rezoning in the Marquis neighbourhood.

  • Towards 40 Program — 40 Street and Hermitage Road — Sections of 40 Street and Hermitage Road have been added to Edmonton's Towards 40 Program, which focuses on improving compliance on streets that transitioned to 40 km/h in 2021 and others where safety issues have been identified. Residents who regularly use 40 Street or Hermitage Road can attend an in-person engagement session at St. Maria Goretti School on Nov. 29 or complete an online survey until Dec. 13.
  • Overlanders/Homesteader Neighbourhood Renewal (refine) — Residents of Overlanders/Homesteader are invited to review the draft design for the neighbourhood's renewal to help ensure it reflects the project's vision and guiding principles. A drop-in session is happening at St. Maria Goretti School on Nov. 29, while an online survey can be completed until Dec. 13.
  • Dunluce Neighbourhood Renewal (refine) — Residents of Dunluce are invited to review a draft design for a renewal project to help ensure it reflects the project's vision and guiding principles. An online survey is available until Nov. 30.
  • Marquis Town Centre Rezoning and Plan Amendments — A proposal is in the works to rezone several existing land parcels in the Marquis neighbourhood amend area structure plans. The application seeks to reduce the town centre commercial area, increase land for mixed housing, realign a potential future LRT line in the area, adjust the site of a potential LRT station, and more. Residents can ask the project planner a question or share their thoughts about the application until Dec. 3.

More input opportunities

Photo: Street sign indicating a 40 km/h speed limit. (Kevin Holowack)