Recent stories about engagement
Calls for public engagement: Edmonton rezonings, policing in Strathcona County
Here are opportunities to inform municipal decision-making about rezoning, development, policing, and more. Please only answer surveys from the municipality where you live.
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Calls for public engagement: Commercial waste, under-served communities
Here are opportunities to inform municipal decision-making about waste, public engagement, development, and more. Please only answer surveys from the municipality where you live.
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Calls for public engagement: Recreation, under-served communities, cultural infrastructure
Here are opportunities to inform municipal decision-making about recreation, engaging communities, arts and heritage, and more. Please only answer surveys from the municipality where you live.
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Calls for public engagement: 104 Street Entertainment District, BIAs, Wîhkwêntôwin
Here are opportunities to inform municipal planning on neighbourhood renewal, business, entertainment, and more. Please only answer surveys from the municipality where you live.
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Calls for public engagement: Windsor Park rezoning, ETS trip tool
Here are opportunities to inform municipal planning for rezoning, transit services, recreation, and more.
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Calls for public engagement: 99 Street rezoning, derelict property taxes
Here are opportunities to inform municipal decisions about rezoning, problem properties, neighbourhood renewal, and more. Please only answer surveys from the municipality where you live.
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Calls for public engagement: River valley park, short-term rentals, Wîhkwêntôwin
Here are opportunities to inform municipal decisions about the Northeast River Valley Park, short-term rentals, neighbourhood renewal, and more. Please only answer surveys from the municipality where you live.
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Calls for public engagement: Single-use items, Windsor Park rezoning
Here are opportunities to help shape municipal planning about single-use items, housing, zoning, and more. Please only answer surveys from the municipality where you live.
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Calls for public engagement: Priority growth, urban ag, heritage assets
Here are opportunities to help municipalities prioritize rezoning measures, plan urban agriculture, manage heritage assets, and more. Please only answer surveys from the municipality where you live.
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