Recent stories about engagement
Calls for public engagement: Strathcona transit, naturalization
Here are open opportunities to engage with local governments in the Edmonton region.
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Calls for public engagement: St. Anthony school site, transit, cookbook
Here are open opportunities to engage with local governments in the Edmonton region.
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Calls for public engagement: Rezoning for growth, St. Anthony School site
Here are opportunities to help shape municipal planning for high-density development, rezoning, and more. Please only answer surveys from municipalities where you are a resident.
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Calls for public engagement: Downtown parking, Granville rezonings
Here are opportunities to inform municipal decisions on downtown parking, rezonings, and more. Please only answer surveys from municipalities where you are a resident.
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Calls for public engagement: Open spaces, reconciliation, naturalization
Here are opportunities to inform municipal planning about open spaces, monuments, naturalization, and more. Please only answer surveys from municipalities where you are a resident.
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Calls for public engagement: Pets, missing links, priority growth areas
Here are opportunities to help inform municipal planning about gaps in active transportation, animals and pet ownership, and potential rezoning in identified growth areas. Please only answer surveys from municipalities where you are a resident.
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Calls for public engagement: Climate, Wîhkwêntôwin, planning in Parkland County
Here are opportunities to inform municipal planning related to climate action, neighbourhood renewal, and more. Please only answer surveys from the municipality where you are a resident.
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Calls for public engagement: Youth transit, park renewal, Wîhkwêntôwin
Here are opportunities to inform municipal planning on transit, parks, neighbourhood renewal, and more. Please only answer surveys from municipalities where you are a resident.
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Calls for public engagement: Edgemont park, housing, missing links
Here are opportunities to help inform municipal planning for parks, water, housing, and more. Please only answer surveys from municipalities where you are a resident.
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