Calls for public engagement: 76 Ave, Windsor Park, Fort Sask brand

Calls for public engagement: 76 Ave, Windsor Park, Fort Sask brand

· The Pulse

Here are opportunities to inform the City of Edmonton's project to renew 76 Avenue, a proposal to upzone properties in Windsor Park, and branding in Fort Saskatchewan.

  • 76 Avenue Renewal (explore) — The City of Edmonton plans to renew 76 Avenue between 75 Street and 99 Street, through the neighbourhoods of Ritchie and King Edward Park. Residents can complete an online survey about their experiences using the street until March 3.
  • City Brand Review (Fort Saskatchewan) — The City of Fort Saskatchewan is updating its brand and identity for marketing materials and other assets. Residents can attend a drop-in session on Feb. 29 to discuss branding with city officials or complete an online survey before March 8.
  • Windsor Park Rezoning (advise) — The City of Edmonton received an application to rezone three adjoining properties on 116 Street in the Windsor Park neighbourhood. The developer wants to upzone the sites from small-scale residential to medium-scale residential, which would allow for a 23-metre residential building with possible ground-floor commercial space. Residents are invited to ask city planners a question or share their thoughts about the application until March 10.

More input opportunities

Photo: Green Space Alliance is looking to build a 23-metre or six-storey residential building in Windsor Park, just west of the University of Alberta near the Butterdome. (Green Space Alliance)