Calls for public engagement: Maps tool, policing, development plan The City of Edmonton is seeking feedback about its online maps tool and is recruiting participants for future research to improve the tool. ([City of Edmonton](

Calls for public engagement: Maps tool, policing, development plan

· The Pulse

Here are opportunities to inform municipal decision-making about public services, policing, development, and more. Please only answer surveys from the municipality where you live.

  • 2025 RCMP and Enforcement Services Priorities Survey — Strathcona County is asking residents about their priorities for policing in their community for the 2025-2026 fiscal year. A survey is open until Feb. 2.
  • Public Maps: Delivering and Improving City Programs and Services — The City of Edmonton is seeking to understand how residents use its maps tool, with the aim of improving the usability of the maps. As part of this engagement, the City is also recruiting participants for future research studies. A survey will be open until Feb. 11.
  • Municipal Development Plan — The Town of Morinville has begun a third phase of engagement for its Municipal Development Plan. Residents are invited to provide feedback on draft statements, expectations, and priorities, which will guide the creation of the plan's policies. A survey is available until Feb. 21.
  • Caring for the County — Parkland County is inviting residents to learn more about local government and provide feedback. The county's website hosts profiles of various municipal departments, and residents are invited to complete a survey for a chance to win a gift card.

More input opportunities