On the agenda: Coronation Eco Station, Christmas trees, advisory boards

Administration recommends expanding the Coronation Eco Station. (City of Edmonton)

On the agenda: Coronation Eco Station, Christmas trees, advisory boards

· The Pulse

This week, council committees will debate whether the city should expand the Coronation Eco Station, discuss the end of curbside Christmas tree collection, and review candidates for advisory boards and committees.

There is a city council meeting scheduled for March 10, a community and public services committee scheduled for March 11, and an urban planning committee meeting scheduled for March 12. There is also an executive committee meeting scheduled for March 12 and a utility committee meeting scheduled for March 14.

Here are key items on this week's agenda:

  • Administration recommends expanding Coronation Eco Station to restructure traffic flow, increase the number of waste drop-off bins, and incorporate more climate-resilient infrastructure. A report scheduled to be presented to utility committee on March 14 said visits to eco stations increased by 22% between 2021 and 2024. The proposed expansion is budgeted at $13.5 million, with funding reallocated from a previous project that was cancelled. If council approves the expansion, construction is expected to start by the end of 2025 and finish by mid-2027.
  • The city will no longer collect natural Christmas trees from in front of homes starting next holiday season. Curbside Christmas tree collection started in 1990, but city crews collected only 6,400 trees in 2025, a 51% decrease from 2015, according to a report that is scheduled to be presented to utility committee on March 14. Instead, residents will be able to drop off trees at recycling depots, eco stations, or the Edmonton Waste Management Centre. The change will save about $120,000 annually, which will be reinvested back into waste operations, the report said.
  • City council is scheduled to meet to discuss the 2024 annual reports and work plans for its advisory boards and committees.
  • Council committees are scheduled to meet in private for various discussions:
    • Community and public services committee will meet to discuss the membership reports and new members of the Community Standards and Licence Appeal Committee, Edmonton Combative Sports Commission, Edmonton Public Library Board, Accessibility Advisory Committee, Community Services Advisory Board, Edmonton Historical Board, and the Women's Advisory Voice of Edmonton Committee.
    • Urban planning committee will meet to discuss the membership reports and new members of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, Edmonton Transit Service Advisory Board, Edmonton Design Committee, and the Naming Committee.
    • Executive committee will meet to discuss the membership reports and new members of the Assessment Review Board, Energy Transition Climate Resilience Committee, Edmonton Salutes Committee, and GEF Seniors Housing Board.
    • Utility committee will meet to discuss a funding opportunity for the Blatchford renewable energy utility.

Meetings stream live on YouTube on the Chamber channel and River Valley Room channel.