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Taproot Members

Become a member of Taproot Edmonton with monthly or annual billing. Here's what you get:

Member perks

Taproot newsletter by email

Early access to new stories, events, etc.


The Pulse, our weekday news briefing

Access to all roundups and podcasts


Feel good knowing our content remains free

Taproot Edmonton stickers and other swag

Additional benefits coming soon!


when billed annually

Taproot Readers

Not ready to become a member? That's ok! We'd love for you to be a free reader. You get:

Reader perks

Taproot newsletter by email

Early access to new stories, events, etc.


The Pulse, our weekday news briefing

Access to all roundups and podcasts


All prices in Canadian Dollars (CAD). Prices exclude GST.

Our stories are always free to read!
We believe good stories should reach as many people as possible. That's why everyone can read our stories for free. Membership fees help us pay our writers and contribute to the long-term sustainability of Taproot.