Share your thoughts about transportation on April 1

Share your thoughts about transportation on April 1

· The Pulse

Will we be able to move around the city easily? That's the question we'll be exploring April 1 at the next listening session for our People's Agenda project.

Join us at noon for another discussion to uncover what is important to you as we head towards the municipal election on Oct. 18. Please register here to attend.

The topic reflects the synthesis of a number of responses to our People's Agenda question related to transportation. Some people are interested in making transit more accessible and active transportation more attractive, while others are concerned about automobile traffic flow and are skeptical about bike lanes. There are lots of changes coming to transit in the coming weeks (listen to this episode of Speaking Municipally for more on that), which may come up as well.

Chris Chang-Yen Phillips will once again be our host. He'll set up the discussion with Emily Grisé from the University of Alberta's School of Urban and Regional Planning, before sending people off to breakout rooms to discuss further.

If you can't make it, we will recap it on Friday, as we did last week on the question Will city council have integrity?.

Save the dates for future sessions — we'll be convening every Thursday until the end of April.