Coming up at council: May 10-14, 2021

Coming up at council: May 10-14, 2021

· The Pulse

Here are some of the notable agenda items coming before city council this week:

  • Edmonton's sanitary trunk network, foundational to the city's ability to grow, is a system of deep pipes that facilitate sanitary flows to wastewater treatment plants. Executive committee will discuss a report on Monday, May 10 about the Sanitary Servicing Strategy Fund Oversight Committee which manages the fund that supports growth of the trunk network in developing areas.
  • Executive committee will also discuss an update from the Chinatown Transformation Collaborative Society, formed in 2018 to oversee implementation of the Chinatown Strategy. In its report, the society said "the future of Chinatown is uncertain" and that "there has been division and isolation during these current circumstances."
  • In a report on transit centre security measures, administration said lower ridership during the pandemic has led to "less natural surveillance" and "an increase in social and security disorder." Security guards are currently deployed at 19 transit centres and LRT stations and later this year the City of Edmonton intends to develop a "bystander awareness" campaign to "help empower bystanders to identify and effectively respond to forms of harassment and sexual violence." Urban planning committee will discuss the report on Tuesday, May 11.

Meetings are streamed live on city council's YouTube channel.