Strategist muses about making a bolder Edmonton

Strategist muses about making a bolder Edmonton

· The Pulse

Episode 42 of Bloom features an interview with Shawn Kanungo, a speaker, a strategist, and the newly minted author of The Bold Ones: Innovate and Disrupt to Become Truly Indispensable.

In addition to describing the trippiness of publishing a book, Kanungo shares his thoughts on what Edmonton should do to embrace boldness.

"You need a juggernaut to create an ecosystem," he told co-host Faaiza Ramji. "And the problem with Edmonton is that ... we want to spread everything. Don't spread anything. Build a magnet. Build something so inspiring that somebody can be like, 'Hey, she did it here. And I can do it here too.'"

Edmonton hasn't done a great job of "creating our own narrative," Kanungo said, advising the city to "pick winners" and use them to inspire others.

"Once somebody does something that's awe-inspiring, other people want to do that, too," he said. "So the best way of creating more innovation is showing the innovators."

The book is aimed at anyone who wants to make a difference, but is particularly geared towards the "intrapreneur," that is, the entrepreneurially minded employee who wants to innovate from within. "You aren't just a small cog in the wheel of your company's future – you may be the solution to their survival," Kanungo writes.

Learn more about his thesis, what it took to get a book deal, and Ramji's advice on how to market it on the Dec. 15 episode of Taproot's podcast about innovation in Edmonton.