Headlines: Nov. 23, 2023

  • Court documents show Edmonton has incurred US$1.3 million in losses due to problems with its electric buses, including hundreds of thousands of dollars on internal labour and replacements costs and more than $200,000 on "battery blankets." Proterra, the U.S. manufacturer of the buses, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection this summer, leaving Edmonton with an unsecured claim of more than US$8 million. Lawyers for the city are seeking the US$1.3 million in advance, as well as assurances that contracts will be fulfilled. More than half of the 60 buses need replacement parts, said Leigh McCabe, a technician and representative with Amalgamated Transit Union Local 569.
  • City council continued with budget deliberations on Nov. 22, with the focus on administration's recommended 7.09% tax increase next year. Mayor Amarjeet Sohi suggested the increase must lie between 7.09% and 4.97%, stressing council needs to be "very realistic" about the cost of providing necessary city services. He also said council is dealing with the consequences of "irresponsible decisions" made by past councils that opted for 0% increases and left snow, bus, and turf maintenance services underfunded.
  • In a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Mayor Amarjeet Sohi requested additional support from the federal government to respond to racism and discrimination in Edmonton in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks and Israel's war on Gaza. The letter, made public on Nov. 22, also calls for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages, the evacuation of Canadians in the region, and unrestricted humanitarian aid to Gaza. "Although the conflict is happening thousands of miles away, for many Edmontonians, it is incredibly personal," Sohi wrote.
  • Canada's Accredited Zoos and Aquariums recognized the Edmonton Valley Zoo at the 2023 Annual Awards of Excellence. The zoo received a conservation award for its ex-situ propagation of the northern leopard frog and an innovation award for its "Pay it Forward For the Planet" program. Doug Warren, a zoo volunteer of more than 25 years, received a volunteer of the year award.
  • Edmonton Transit Service launched its 29th annual Stuff a Bus campaign to support Edmonton's Food Bank, which is facing unprecedented demand. Donations can be made several ways, including dropping items off on Nov. 25 at 15 participating Save-On-Foods locations or at the Clareview LRT Station, where volunteers will stuff a train. The Stuff a Bus campaign is also accepting donations through the food bank's website.
  • Arts on the Ave has launched a new campaign encouraging Alberta Avenue residents and business owners to call police or other appropriate services when they witness crime or unsafe behaviour in the area. The Make the Call initiative was created following engagement sessions with community members, businesses, and representatives from the Edmonton Police Service. "We want to be able to really feel like this is welcoming and safe and a holistic approach to community development," said Arts on the Ave executive director Christy Morin.
  • The Mustard Seed is asking for new, unwrapped toy donations to fill the shelves in its Family Gift Centre, a pop-up shop where low-income families can purchase Christmas gifts for $2. "We want caregivers to have an opportunity to get their Christmas gift shopping done without the added stress of trying to make ends meet," spokeswoman Rebecca Trask said. Donations can be dropped off at the Mustard Seed Community Centre at 10568 114 Street NW.
  • Global News explored whether mild weather and a lack of snow is putting a damper on the holiday spirit this year. Businesses like the Borealis Lights Drive Thru in St. Albert are struggling to attract customers. Other businesses, like When Pigs Fly on Whyte Avenue, have been busier than usual. Greenland Garden Centre transformed into a "Christmas wonderland" early and has seen business booming, including high demand for live Christmas trees.
  • Kirsty Choquette, a PhD student in the University of Alberta's School of Public Health, received one of nine Mitacs Awards at a ceremony on Nov. 22. The awards recognize students or postdoctoral fellows who demonstrate a commitment to inclusive innovation, breaking down barriers, and creating opportunities for underrepresented groups. Choquette engaged with Indigenous elders, knowledge keepers, and community members to develop an evaluation framework that ensures Indigenous youth in the province's care feel represented as they leave the system. The framework is now being used by the Alberta Mentoring Partnership and other organizations.
  • The Edmonton International Airport is hosting training sessions for Aspen Service Dogs, allowing 30 dogs to practice being in airports. The sessions include mock check-ins, security screening, boarding a plane, and finding seats. Letting service dogs become comfortable in the airport will "go a long way to help our community" and meet accessibly needs, said Liz Dwernychuk, the airport's director of passenger experience.
  • Influenza season in Alberta, coupled with a high rate of COVID-19 hospitalizations, is causing concern about hospitals struggling under increasing pressure. More than half of Albertans hospitalized for influenza this season have been in the Calgary zone. Physicians are also concerned about the immunization rate, with only about 17.8% of Albertans getting their flu shot this year.