Calls for public engagement: downtown, BRT, Old Strathcona public realm

Calls for public engagement: downtown, BRT, Old Strathcona public realm

· The Pulse

Here are opportunities to help inform city planning for downtown, bus-based mass transit, and the Old Strathcona Public Realm Strategy.

  • Centre City Area Survey — The City of Edmonton seeking to understand the lived experiences of being downtown through a survey about visiting or living in the city centre, which will become available on March 21 and close on March 28.
  • Mass Transit Equity Principles Survey — The City of Edmonton is planning to expand its mass transit system to include bus-based mass transit as it prepares for a population of two million. The network will include three city-wide bus rapid transit (BRT) routes, which will have priority over traffic and provide service comparable to the LRT. Residents can help the city develop equity-based principles for bus-based mass transit by completing a short survey before April 2.
  • Old Strathcona Public Realm Strategy (Phase 3) — The City of Edmonton has begun public engagement for the final phase of the Old Strathcona Public Realm Strategy. The strategy re-envisions streets, sidewalks, parks, plazas, and parking in Old Strathcona, including bus-based mass transit along Whyte Avenue. A drop-in event is taking place at the Strathcona Community League on April 4. Edmontonians can also complete a survey or arrange time to chat with the project team until April 7.

More input opportunities

Photo: The city is looking to change Whyte Avenue with mass transit and pedestrian infrastructure as part of the Old Strathcona Public Realm Strategy. (City of Edmonton)