Every week in the lead up to Edmonton's municipal election on Oct. 18, we're rounding up the news and announcements you need to know to stay informed.
Policies and campaign updates
- Advanced voting opened on Oct. 4 and will continue until Oct. 13. Intersectional Edmonton posted a guide for what voters need to know on Twitter.
- Mayoral candidate Kim Krushell released her no endorsement pledge as an extension to her no candidate slate pledge to transparency.
- Mayoral candidate Amarjeet Sohi posted his stance on property taxes and claims made about his campaign, as well as how he plans to work with the provincial government.
- Mayoral candidate Michael Oshry committed to fiscal discipline and using tax money wisely if elected.
- Mayoral candidate Cheryll Watson plans to pause the Valley Line West LRT project if elected.
- In a blog post, mayoral candidate Mike Nickel called for an end to "pitting cars against cyclists," in reference to the City Plan and Edmonton's current approach to road clearing and other transportation issues.
- Mayoral candidate Brian (Breezy) Gregg addressed homelessness and current charity models in a blog post.
- Ward Dene candidate Lana Palmer wrote about her stance on road maintenance, early learning and care, and photo radar. Additionally, Palmer posted links to questionnaires and media profiles, her responses to the I Heart Edmonton questions, and answers to the Edmonton Council for Early Learning and Care candidate survey.
- Ward Karhiio candidate Keren Tang reflected on Mayor Don Iveson's open transition memos.
- Ward Métis candidate Liz John-West tweeted that city council endorsements of candidates undermines diversity and democracy. John-West also received an outpouring of support when a fire in her neighbourhood destroyed her vehicles and election materials.
- Edmonton Highlands-Norwood MLA Janis Irwin endorsed Cori Longo for Ward Métis. Longo also presented her Indigenous equity policy.
- Ward O-day'min candidate Anne Stevenson and Ward pihêsiwin candidate Tim Cartmell shared their thoughts on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
- Ward papastew candidate Michael Janz outlined the relationship between COVID-19 and the city of Edmonton in a blog post.
- Ward papastew candidate Tarcy Schindelka shared his ideas on creating safe communities in Edmonton.
- Ward pihêsiwin candidate Guiscela Perez Arellano released her full platform online.
- Ward Sspomitapi candidate Moe Banga tweeted about his position on the city's bus network redesign.
- Ward tastawiyiniwak candidate Iannie Gerona suspended her election campaign and said she would support Ahmed 'Knowmadic' Ali.
- Ward tastawiyiniwak candidate Jon Dziadyk shared his key campaign priorities, a personal introduction, and his thoughts on the future of transit in Edmonton.

Weighing in on the campaign trail
- So far, 66 out of 85 candidates have responded to the Taproot Survey. You can take the survey yourself and see where you align with mayoral and city council candidates on key campaign issues. And there are more ways to play with the data.
- The Business and Professional Women's Club of Edmonton posted a series of mayoral candidate interviews with Kim Krushell, Mike Nickel, Rick Comrie, Michael Oshry, and Cheryll Watson on its YouTube channel.
- The Ritchie Community League uploaded a collection of responses from papastew candidates called Ritchie Candidate Conversations.
- The Jewish Federation of Edmonton uploaded responses from mayoral candidates Brian (Breezy) Gregg, Rick Comrie, Diana Steele, Kim Krushell, and Michael Oshry on how they plan to combat anti-Semitism in Edmonton.
- The Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations hosted a virtual forum with seven mayoral candidates to discuss how the non-profit sector can be included in pandemic recovery.
- Mayoral candidates Amarjeet Sohi, Kim Krushell, Cheryll Watson, Michael Oshry, Brian (Breezy) Gregg, and Diana Steele spoke at a climate debate hosted by the University of Alberta's Sustainability Council. A video recording of the forum will be posted on the university's YouTube next week.
- The Downtown Edmonton Community League and Oliver Community League, with support from the Downtown Business Association, facilitated a Ward O-day'min municipal candidate forum. There is no available livestream currently, but a thread of tweets from the event is available here.
- The Sherbrooke, Inglewood, and Woodcroft community leagues hosted a forum for Ward Anirniq candidates.
- Paths for People asked mayoral and city council candidates about their visions for safer, more liveable streets within Edmonton. Responses are available on the organization's website.
- The Infill Development in Edmonton Association (IDEA) posted survey responses from mayoral and city council candidates.
- CTV News Edmonton released three new election ward profiles: Ward tastawiyiniwak, Anirniq, and O'day-min. The group also uploaded candidate profiles for Cheryll Watson, Kim Krushell, Michael Oshry, Mike Nickel, and Amarjeet Sohi.
- CTV News explained why there won't be political parties on the ballot in the upcoming election.
- The Edmonton Journal published ward profiles for Ward Sspomitapi, papastew, sipiwiyiniwak, pihêsiwin, and Dene. The organization also profiled mayoral candidates.
- An article by Edmonton Journal columnist Keith Gerein unpacks Mike Nickel's threat to fire the EPCOR board. Michael Oshry tweeted his concern about Nickel's comments in response to the story.
- Global News Edmonton put out a piece about the Indigenous candidates running for city hall.
- CBC Edmonton updated its Redefining Edmonton series with a video on Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi.
- Ward tastawiyiniwak candidate Cody Bondarchuk took part in a Reddit Ask Me Anything thread to field questions from the public.
- Edmonton blogger Dr. Darcy R analyzed the driving and transit platforms of mayoral candidates.
Upcoming forums
- The Edmonton Public Library will host an online conversation with mayoral candidates on Oct. 6.
- Mayoral candidate Michael Oshry will facilitate a virtual town hall on Oct. 6.
- The Africa Centre will host and moderate a mayoral candidate forum on Oct. 8. The public can submit questions beforehand through this form.
A list of all of the candidates who have announced they are running in the Edmonton municipal election is available here. Learn more about Taproot's effort to ground our election coverage in what is important to Edmontonians on our election site.