This week, a public hearing will take place on April 24 and city council will meet on April 25. A non-regular city council meeting has been scheduled for April 28, but no agenda has been published.
Here are some of the key items on the agenda:
- Executive committee recommended adoption of a revised Land Development Policy but requisitioned a report on the potential formation of a Municipal Development Corporation to council without a recommendation. Coun. Sarah Hamilton made a motion on April 14 that would have directed administration to engage a third-party consultant to form a working group to develop a business case for the idea, but it was not put to a vote. Postmedia columnist Keith Gerein suggested in a recent column that "council would be mistaken to abandon the MDC idea at this point without more comprehensive research."
- The city's 2022 audited consolidated financial statements are ready for council approval, and following last week's approval of the spring operating budget adjustments, the 2023 Property Tax Bylaw is ready for three readings.
- A proposed development from Westrich Management and Green Space Alliance for a six-storey, transit-oriented, mixed-use residential building near the McKernan-Belgravia LRT station at 114 Street and 76 Avenue NW will be considered at public hearing. Administration supports the application, noting the proposal supports the infill objectives of the City Plan and contributes to the vision for a commercial main street next to mass transit.

The proposed McKernan-Belgravia project would include on-site car share parking and a bicycle repair facility if approved. (Supplied)
Here are some of the other new agenda items:
- Bylaws to set the 2023 levy rates for the city's three community revitalization levy areas — Belvedere, The Quarters, and Downtown — are ready for three readings.
- Executive committee recommended that Bylaw 20427, which would close the property at 906 111 Street NW for the Capital Line South LRT extension, be given three readings.
- Council will also consider private reports from its committees related to 2023 recruitment for agencies, boards, and commissions.
- Charter Bylaw 20461 would allow for low-rise, multi-unit housing within a five-minute walk of the future Heritage Valley Town Centre LRT station.
- Charter Bylaw 20460 would allow for a digital sign at the Fringe Theatre Arts Barns, which the current DC2 does not permit.
- A mix of small-scale housing proposals will be considered for West Jasper Place, Glenwood, Britannia Youngstown, Parkallen, and Riverdale.
- Other housing development proposals for Strathearn, Griesbach, and Malmo Plains will also be considered.
Meetings are streamed live on YouTube on the Chamber channel and River Valley Room channel.