
Recent stories about ai

Seated people watch a speaker at a podium on a stage with signs reading "Upper Bound" and "Amii."
technology business

Amii aims for more "collisions" at Upper Bound

In an effort to increase cross-pollination at the Upper Bound artificial intelligence conference, the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute is encouraging a bit more intermingling of its streams.

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A smiling John Carmack stands behind a podium with the Amii logo on the front, while Rich Sutton, wearing an Amii sweater, smiles beside him
technology business

Tech pioneers partner to create artificial general intelligence by 2030

An Edmonton-based pioneer in AI is partnering with a well-financed veteran of video-game development in a quest to develop artificial general intelligence by 2030.

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Nate Glubish, Cam Linke, and Bill Flanagan stand in front of banner for Amii and the University of Alberta
technology education

Amii and U of A launch AI literacy course for all

Students of all disciplines at the University of Alberta will be invited to take an AI literacy course online starting in January.

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An AI-generated image of six people sitting at a table with laptops open. There are three white men, two Black men, and a woman whose race is difficult to discern.
technology business

YEG Hack-GPT aims to unlock the power of large language models

Developers and entrepreneurs will see what problems they can solve with the kind of technology that powers ChatGPT at a hackathon thought to be the first of its kind in Edmonton.

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A four-by-six grid of abstract works, many of them featuring circles, radiating lines, and/or columns of colour
arts technology

Latitude 53 explores intersection of AI and art

At a time when AI is generally seen as negative for artists, Latitude 53 is hosting a virtual exhibit that explores artificial intelligence as a source of inspiration and collaboration.

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A grey robotic arm lifts a yellow rubber duck off of a blue, boxy, robot with wheels. They are on a mat that looks like a city street.
technology business

What we saw and heard at Upper Bound

A demo of self-driving robots that navigate a "town" populated by rubber ducks, a look at how machine learning could help grow meat in the lab, and a walk-through of industrial uses of AI are among the various aspects of the emerging technology that were explored at Upper Bound.

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A bearded man speaks at a podium to a full audience in a pink-lit room
technology ai

Alberta AI pioneer plans new research institute in Edmonton

As part of his continuing quest to achieve human-like artificial intelligence through reinforcement learning, Richard Sutton plans to develop OpenMind Research, a non-profit group dedicated to implementing the Alberta Plan for AI Research.

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A large crowd sits in rows under blue and purple lights while awaiting a presentation during Amii's first AI week.
technology business

Upper Bound conference offers insight into AI

Edmonton's second annual artificial intelligence conference will offer non-experts a glimpse behind the tech-world curtain as it brings industry professionals together to explore advances in the field.

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Eleven young people surround Nate Glubish, Cam Linke, and Laura Kilcrease in the Amii office
technology artificial intelligence

Province invests $30M in Amii to further AI adoption

A $30-million investment from the province will allow Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) to further its efforts to bring AI out of the academy and into industry, says the organization's CEO.

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