Recent stories about nature
Magpie, chickadee, and blue jay battle to be Edmonton's City Bird
The final round of voting for Edmonton's City Bird is now open. The boreal chickadee, blue jay, and black-billed magpie are the three species flying for your vote to be Edmonton's avian representative.
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Calls for public engagement: Nature, nightlife, and cultural spaces
Here are opportunities to help inform municipal decision-making for naturalization, entertainment districts, library services, arts and culture, and more.
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Coyote researcher seeks volunteers to test birdseed theory
A graduate student at the University of Alberta is looking for volunteers to help her determine whether spilled seeds from bird feeders are attracting coyotes to people's yards, and if so, whether a simple tool could help prevent it.
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A moment in history: July 19, 1926
On this day 97 years ago, a bold coyote was spotted crossing Jasper Avenue on its way to the river.
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More natural spaces could help preserve the lowly lichen
Should Edmonton have a lichen preserve, or would the important but overlooked organism be better served by having more natural spaces everywhere in the city? Let's Find Out investigates.
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Revived lake makes Snow Goose Festival possible again
Birders in the Edmonton area can watch the snow geese return to Beaverhill Lake instead of chasing around to catch a glimpse, now that the once-dry site of the Snow Goose Festival is wet again.
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A moment in history: May 3, 1941
On this day 82 years ago, an amateur paleontologist was unearthing what appeared to be a massive dinosaur fossil in Edmonton's river valley.
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Exhibit explores the fine art of putting a bird on it
The birdwatching trend kindled by isolation gave people a much-needed distraction during the pandemic, created a wealth of data for researchers, and now has inspired a gallery full of craft art objects.
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Project looks to map saplings given to Alberta first-graders
For more than 60 years, the government of Alberta has distributed nearly 70,000 tree saplings to Grade 1 students during Alberta Forest Week. Now two local tree enthusiasts want your help to map those generations of lodgepole pine and white spruce.
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