Recent stories about podcast

Police commissioner's link to healthcare scandal could create turmoil, podcasters say
A newly reported link between a provincial appointee to the Edmonton Police Commission and a businessman at the centre of corruption allegations within the province's healthcare system may create turmoil for the commission, the co-hosts of Episode 297 of Speaking Municipally said.
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Spreading fear about downtown bridge closures is unhelpful, podcasters say
Outcries from the Downtown Revitalization Coalition and mayoral hopeful, Coun. Tim Cartmell, about the city's plan to fix several bridges that connect drivers to downtown don't match the facts, the co-hosts of Episode 296 Speaking Municipally said.
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Cartmell's claims about Sohi unfounded, podcasters say
Coun. Tim Cartmell's claim that Mayor Amarjeet Sohi does not believe drugs are a problem in Edmonton is unfounded and at odds with the mayoral hopeful's own voting record, the co-hosts of Episode 294 of Speaking Municipally said.
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Council unlikely to pass latest public spaces bylaw, podcasters say
The latest draft of Edmonton's much-discussed public spaces bylaw will be hard for city council to pass, the co-hosts of Episode 293 of Speaking Municipally said.
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Provincial investigation into Edmonton Police Commission provokes questions on podcast
The provincial investigation of two of city council's appointments to the Edmonton Police Commission has raised concerns about accountability, the co-hosts of Episode 292 of Speaking Municipally said.
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City's next budget an opportunity to put a 'stamp' on Edmonton, Robar says
Eddie Robar, the now-permanent city manager for the City of Edmonton, said on Episode 291 of Speaking Municipally that working on the next four-year budget after the October election is a test he's excited to take.
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Zero-based budgeting interesting but challenging, podcasters say
A motion that pushed for a rethink on how Edmonton's council can work on city spending using zero-based budgeting passed following its recent budget vote, and could offer both opportunities and challenges, Taproot's council watchers said on Episode 289 of Speaking Municipally.
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Budget adjustments were slices rather than slashes, podcasters say
Though city council's fall budget adjustment resulted in a 6.1% increase to property taxes rather than the 8.1% increase administration had proposed, the reduction was created through funding shuffles rather than big culls, co-hosts Mack Male and Troy Pavlek said on Episode 288 of Speaking Municipally.
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Why province's cut to EMRB could create an unlucky 13
The recent United Conservative Party government decision to cut the province's contributions to the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board has created uncertainties that the region's 13 municipalities will be forced to solve, Mack Male said on Episode 287 of Speaking Municipally.
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