This week, a public hearing will take place on June 12, and city council will meet on June 13 and 14.
Here are some of the key items on the agenda:
- Adjustments recommended as part of the Spring 2023 Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment would result in a net increase of $25.7 million to the 2023-2026 capital budget. That includes $11.1 million in new profiles, about $8.7 million of which is for the Imagine Jasper Avenue (114 Street to 124 Street) project. Administration says an updated carbon budget will be presented this fall.
- A verbal update on the transit safety plan and the downtown core is scheduled as the first item of business on June 14.
- Council will continue with a few postponed items, including amendments to the Edmonton Police Commission bylaw to align with changes made to the Police Act; increasing incentives and programs for tree planting and preservation on private lands; and amendments to the Vehicle for Hire Bylaw.
Here are some of the other new agenda items:
- Administration recommends that the 2023 Tax Public Auction be held on Oct. 26. As of April 21, 2023, there are 753 properties representing a total of $8,051,789.39 in outstanding property taxes eligible for tax sale.
- Bylaw 20304, which would amend the Ward Boundaries and Council Composition Bylaw, is ready for second and third reading. Just one adjustment, to move the Calgary Trail South neighbourhood to Ward papastew from Ward Karhiio, was recommended.
- Bylaw 20488, which would increase borrowing authority for the Downtown CRL by $20.4 million for drainage on 104 Street and renewal of Centennial Plaza (behind the Milner Library), is ready for second and third reading.
- Bylaw 20402, which would authorize the city to borrow $18,187 for residential concrete curb crossing improvements, is ready for three readings.
- The agenda includes six private reports, including an update on the application and investment plan for the Housing Accelerator Fund, and a consultant update for the City Manager and City Auditor Performance Evaluation Committee.
- At public hearing, council will review applications for multi-unit housing in Belgravia and Grovenor, updates to the Keswick neighbourhood structure plan to facilitate contiguous development of the future Kendal neighbourhood, and amendments to the Ellerslie area structure plan and neighbourhood structure plan to allow for additional housing development.
Council will also consider several committee recommendations:
- Utility committee recommends that proposed adjustments to the 2023-2026 Blatchford Renewable Energy Utility capital budget be approved.
- Community and public services committee recommends that the mayor, with input from the Edmonton Police Commission, the City of Calgary, and Alberta Municipalities, write letters to the federal and provincial governments requesting that they strengthen legislation to help address catalytic converter theft.
- Urban planning committee recommends that administration establish a developer-contributed maintenance fund for new neighbourhood entrance signs on private property.
- Executive committee recommends that the bylaw to designate the Magrath Mansion as a Municipal Historic Resource be given three readings.
Meetings are streamed live on YouTube on the Chamber channel and River Valley Room channel.