Recent stories about infrastructure

Tariff threat colours city's train-replacement options, transit watcher says
The City of Edmonton is set to replace 37 high-floor LRT vehicles by 2029 that run on the Capital and Metro lines, including some that have been in use since the system opened in 1978. One transit expert said, given the state of the world and the shortlist of options, there's now a clear best choice.
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Edmonton 'still not ready' as 2024 population growth exceeded even breakneck forecast: Knack
Edmonton's population grew even more than expected in 2024, new numbers from the provincial government show.
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Council ponders new infrastructure committee
Edmonton city council will vote in mid-March on whether to establish a standing committee focused on infrastructure before the municipal election in October.
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Commonwealth Stadium field could be renamed Play Alberta Field
A field at Commonwealth Stadium may soon be renamed to Play Alberta Field, a member of Edmonton's Naming Committee confirmed to Taproot.
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Spreading fear about downtown bridge closures is unhelpful, podcasters say
Outcries from the Downtown Revitalization Coalition and mayoral hopeful, Coun. Tim Cartmell, about the city's plan to fix several bridges that connect drivers to downtown don't match the facts, the co-hosts of Episode 296 Speaking Municipally said.
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On the agenda: Public spaces bylaw, Nordic spa, new infrastructure committee
This week, council is set to vote on the proposed public spaces bylaw, a rezoning to allow a Nordic spa in the river valley, and establishing a new standing committee on infrastructure.
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On the agenda: Landscaping deposits, Blatchford rezoning, Henday ramps
This week, council is scheduled to vote on changes to the zoning bylaw meant to improve developer compliance on landscaping, a rezoning application in Blatchford, and whether to borrow money to build new ramps on Anthony Henday Drive.
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'Bold' vision for 76 Ave calls for rerouting vehicle traffic
An active transportation advocacy group wants the City of Edmonton to consider what it calls a "bold idea" for where 76 Avenue crosses the Mill Creek Ravine between the Ritchie and King Edward Park neighbourhoods.
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What's new for snow and ice control in Edmonton
A new type of salt, greater transparency, and maximized use of labour are all pieces in the complex puzzle of snow and ice control, say two of the City of Edmonton's leaders on that front.
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