On the agenda: Jasper Avenue, downtown safety, and urban trees
Mack Male
This week, a public hearing will take place on June 12, and city council will meet on June 13 and 14.
Here are some of the key items on the agenda:
- Adjustments recommended as part of the Spring 2023 Supplemental Capital Budget Adjustment would result in a net increase of $25.7 million to the 2023-2026 capital budget. That includes $11.1 million in new profiles, about $8.7 million of which is for the Imagine Jasper Avenue (114 Street to 124 Street) project. Administration says an updated carbon budget will be presented this fall.
- A verbal update on the transit safety plan and the downtown core is scheduled as the first item of business on June 14.
- Council will continue with a few postponed items, including amendments to the Edmonton Police Commission bylaw to align with changes made to the Police Act; increasing incentives and programs for tree planting and preservation on private lands; and amendments to the Vehicle for Hire Bylaw.