Social Media
Recent stories about social media
Influencers can boost restaurant traffic, but only to a point
While some restaurants can draw a straight line from an influencer's post to increased business, the connection is a lot harder to determine for others. But an intentional strategy increases the chances of success, says social media strategist Linda Hoang.
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#Eat124StBingo puts spotlight on area food community
Meuwly's and the 124 Grand Market are spearheading a campaign to support food businesses in the 124 Street area.
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Misleading or helpful: Should city councillors use branded graphics on social media?
Increasingly, city councillors are putting their own branding on the visuals they share on social media. Four city councillors spoke to Taproot about their approach.
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Speaking Municipally: I'm ordering you to seed and desist
Hosts Troy Pavlek and Mack Male are joined by Councillor Sarah Hamilton to discuss council's unanimous rejection of a policy on social media blocking.
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City administration to draft new rules to guide councillors on social media blocking
City council's code of conduct sub-committee has directed administration to draft a policy to provide guidance on when councillors can block people on social media. The decision was made when the committee met on Jan. 26 to discuss proposed social media guidelines, drafted by integrity commissioner Jamie Pytel.
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City council to review proposed social media policy
The city's integrity commissioner has prepared a proposed social media policy for council members to review at the next code of conduct sub-committee meeting.
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