Share your thoughts about city-building on April 29

Share your thoughts about city-building on April 29

· The Pulse

Will we build our city intelligently? That’s the question we’ll be exploring on April 29 at the next listening session for our People’s Agenda project.

Join us at noon for another discussion to uncover what is important to you as we head towards the municipal election on Oct. 18. Please register here to attend.

The topic reflects the synthesis of a number of responses to our People’s Agenda question related to infrastructure and planning. We’ve heard concerns about the effects of sprawl and the need for a vibrant downtown. Others have expressed concerns about major projects being late and over-budget. This is also an opportunity to talk about the recently passed City Plan, which is intended to guide Edmonton’s growth to a population of two million people.

Host Chris Chang-Yen Phillips will discuss some issues related to the topic with architect Vivian Manasc.

Then we’ll head into discussion groups where you can share your thoughts on the matter.

If you can’t make it, we will recap it on Friday, as we did last week on the question “Will we act on climate change?”

This is the final listening session in this round, which was based on the early responses to our People’s Agenda question. Next we’ll be synthesizing what we’ve heard into an update to the People’s Agenda, which will form the basis of our election coverage through the summer and the voters’ guide that we’ll publish in the fall.

We’re also interested in working with community groups to hold more listening sessions. If you’d like to help us hear from your people, contact us at