Calls for public engagement: Downtown parking, Granville rezonings

Calls for public engagement: Downtown parking, Granville rezonings

· The Pulse

Here are opportunities to inform municipal decisions on downtown parking, rezonings, and more. Please only answer surveys from municipalities where you are a resident.

  • Centre City Temporary Parking Lot Program — The City of Edmonton wants feedback on a proposed program that would require owners of some downtown surface lots to apply for a temporary development permit. Obtaining a permit would require meeting minimum requirements for setbacks, paths, barrier-free spaces, grading, lighting, and landscaping. The program aims to balance parking availability with density and vibrancy goals, and no new lots will be created through the program, administration says. Residents can ask a question or share their thoughts on an online discussion board until Aug. 25.
  • Granville Rezonings — The City of Edmonton recieved a request to rezone five existing zonings around Winterburn Road (215 Street NW) and Glastonbury Boulevard in the Granville neighbourhood. If approved, the rezonings would allow for various commercial, office, and service developments, including development along Winterburn Road and two residential buildings up to six storeys. Residents can ask a question or share their thoughts until Aug. 25.
  • Municipal Development Plan — The Town of Morinville seeks feedback to inform the creation a new Municipal Development Plan. Residents can take a survey until Aug. 30.

More input opportunities

Photo: The City of Edmonton is considering a permitting program for surface parking lots downtown. In April, a staff report revealed there were more than 100 illegal surface parking lots operating downtown. (Kevin Holowack)