Share your thoughts about the climate emergency on April 22

Share your thoughts about the climate emergency on April 22

· The Pulse

Will we act on climate change? That's the question we'll be exploring on April 22 at the next listening session for our People's Agenda project.

Join us at noon for another discussion to uncover what is important to you as we head towards the municipal election on Oct. 18. Please register here to attend.

The topic reflects the synthesis of a number of responses to our People's Agenda question related to the city's role in addressing climate change. For some, this is the only issue that matters, as it represents an existential threat; others prioritize other issues as well, but draw connections between climate change and transportation policy, infrastructure decisions, economic diversification, or social justice.

This listening session coincides with Covering Climate Now's Joint Coverage Week, a worldwide effort by journalists to pay concerted attention to the climate emergency. We live in a city that has declared a climate emergency, and we may have learned some lessons from our response to the pandemic. Now, in an election year, it's important to put this issue on the agenda for candidates running for mayor and council.

Host Chris Chang-Yen Phillips will discuss the topic with a guest to put the question into context. Then we'll head into discussion groups where you can share your thoughts on the matter.

If you can't make it, we will recap it on Friday, as we did last week on the question "Will we house everyone?"

For more context on how the climate emergency intersects with Edmonton, we're dedicating our weekly chart in the The Pulse to this topic. Here's what we've published so far:

Check The Pulse every Tuesday through April for more. And don't forget to sign up for the rest of our listening sessions: