Seven actions from Edmonton's infill roadmap completed in 2020
City council's urban planning committee met on Jan. 19 to discuss initiatives to support more and better infill in Edmonton, as per the Infill Roadmap 2018. It also received updates on infill compliance, and fire protection.
In 2020, seven additional actions from the infill roadmap were completed.
"The actions completed in 2020 have focused on providing more and better information to the public, exploring creative opportunities to support additional infill, and aligning our regulations to match the city’s commitment to welcoming more people and new homes into older neighbourhoods," said the report. "The remaining actions reflect the city’s ongoing commitment to excellent service and ambitions to tackle broader issues through major initiatives such as the Zoning Bylaw Renewal and City Plan implementation projects."
Sixteen of the roadmap's 25 actions are now done, leaving six to be completed by the end of 2022 and three which will need to be sustained beyond the end of the roadmap.