On the agenda: Public spaces bylaw, Valley Line West construction
This week, council committees will meet to discuss the proposed public spaces bylaw, an accelerated construction timeline for the Valley Line West LRT, and tax forgiveness.
There is a community and public services committee meeting on Feb. 10, an urban planning committee meeting on Feb. 11, and an executive committee meeting on Feb. 12.
Here are key items on this week's agenda:
- Council's community and public services committee is scheduled to review the proposed public spaces bylaw. Council sent the bylaw back to administration at a meeting in February 2024, asking it to review how the proposed bylaw could disproportionately impact equity-deserving groups. In the new version of the bylaw, the fine for panhandling, open drug use, and living in a tent has been lowered from $250 to $25. Loitering in transit facilities, littering, or spitting comes with a $250 fine, and urinating, defecating, lighting a fire, or leaving a fire comes with a $500 fine. The hosts of Speaking Municipally, Taproot's civic affairs podcast, said in Episode 293 that it's unlikely council will pass the bylaw, despite the decreased fines. "It is a bit about, like, we're just writing down expected behaviours, and if that's the case, then does it matter if the fine is $250 or $25? We don't have people walking around ready to hand out $250 fines anyway," co-host Mack Male said. Committee could make a recommendation on the bylaw and send it to council for a vote at a future meeting.
- The company building the Valley Line West LRT has developed an accelerated construction plan that would create more significant traffic restrictions but over less time. Marigold Infrastructure Partners worked with the city on an "ambitious" plan that would see the majority of roadwork in key areas be completed in 2025, so that construction could focus on track work and systems infrastructure in 2026. Unless council's urban planning committee intervenes at a meeting on Feb. 11, the city will use the accelerated plan this year. Marigold has created a new construction plan for nine portions of the LRT route. One change under the new plan is that the city will fully close the intersection of 124 Street NW and Stony Plain Road NW. While this will result in a more significant disruption to traffic, businesses, residents, and pedestrians, it means that that portion of roadwork will be finished in six to eight weeks rather than being partially closed for 48 weeks over two construction seasons. Overall, the accelerated plan would reduce the total time traffic is restricted at key intersections by more than half, a report detailing the new plan said. It adds that commuters, residents, and business owners have expressed frustration with construction, traffic restrictions, and associated delays, and that Marigold and the city are equally motivated to accelerate construction. The Valley Line West LRT is scheduled to be completed in 2028. The report does not say whether this accelerated plan would decrease the project's overall timeline.
- Administration recommends cancelling $94,264 in unpaid business improvement area taxes. Council's executive committee is scheduled to discuss the issue at a meeting on Feb. 12, and may recommend council vote to cancel the sum at a future meeting.
- Council's urban planning committee is scheduled to review environmental impact assessment reports for the planned 18 Street over Horsehills Creek Bridge replacement and the Gariepy neighbourhood renewal project. The Gariepy renewal project would add accessible ravine crossings and a shared pathway at the top of the riverbank.
Meetings stream live on YouTube on the Chamber channel and River Valley Room channel.