Recent stories about homelessness

Year in review: Service providers, Chinatown, affordable housing
In 2024, Taproot reported on several stories that continued to evolve after we published them. Here are some updates.
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Sohi reflects on housing emergency declaration, downtown investment
In a year-end interview with Taproot, Mayor Amarjeet Sohi said council's declaration of a housing and houselessness emergency in January led to real change, despite provincial criticism at the time that it was performative.
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How Edmonton compares to cities finding success in tackling homelessness
As Edmonton enters an election year with rising housing prices and record numbers of residents who are homeless, Taproot spoke to experts to explore how other cities have found success transitioning people from being homeless to housed.
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Homelessness is a feature, not bug, of Canada's housing system, researcher says
Homelessness is an expected outcome of the country's housing system, according to the research lead at a University of Alberta housing lab.
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On the agenda: Homelessness, renaming, and Ride Transit
This week, council committees will discuss an updated plan to end homelessness, recommendations from the city's naming committee, and a growing budget shortfall for the Ride Transit program.
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Cartmell to push for social agencies to prove value
An Edmonton city councillor wants to use data to track whether homeless-serving organizations that receive city money are improving people's lives, but some in the sector question the effectiveness of more data collection and reporting.
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Homeless reception centre generates big numbers as well as 'abject misery': advocate
The United Conservative Party government describes its recently-launched homeless reception centre as a success, but some advocates for people without housing strongly disagree.
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On the agenda: Homelessness emergency, Explore Edmonton, public spaces bylaw
City council continues to meet virtually this week. Council will discuss actions following its declaration of a homelessness emergency, as well as the public spaces bylaw and further financial assistance for Explore Edmonton.
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The numbers and realities of Edmonton's shelter system
Here's a look at what we know about the supply of shelter space and the factors that affect demand.
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