Recent stories about pride

Drag.Jpeg focuses lens to smash stigma and reflect diversity
A photography project that celebrates the diverse world of Edmonton drag will culminate in a set of trading cards and two events in January.
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Drag and food collide during Pride at Sashay, Fillet!
An event that pairs chefs with drag performers to raise money for a queer cause is coming to Edmonton for the first time this month.
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Flashback, baby! It's the Summer of Pride
As part of Edmonton's Summer of Pride, the beacon that adorned the famous Flashback nightclub will be added to the Neon Sign Museum downtown.
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Wikipedia Edit-a-thon aims to increase visibility of Edmonton's queer history
The Edmonton Queer History Project (EQHP) is partnering with Art+Feminism to write Edmonton's queer histories into the books — or at least into the pages of Wikipedia.
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